creating convincing fliers

How To Help Your Teenager Start A New Business

Whether your teenager is saving money to buy a car, go to college, or for any other reason, one way to make some pretty impressive money is to be a young entrepreneur. It may come as a surprise to you that there are many teenagers today who are making their own fortunes because of a dream they have. Some of them are making jewelry, others are creative knitters, some are consultants. Whatever it is that your teenager wants to do, wouldn't it be awesome to lend a helping hand? Here are some ideas that might inspire you to be more than a cheerleader for your son or daughter.

Validate Your Teen's Dream - Validation begins with just being there to listen.

  • As your son or daughter shares ideas with you, consider asking many questions that will help your child to work out the project more thoroughly.
  • Consider brainstorming with your child. Any ideas that either of you has may catapult more thoughts that will enhance your child's original plan.
  • Inspire your child by sharing stories of other teens who dared to start a business. Nick D'Aloisio, Juliette Brindak and Cameron Johnson are just a few in this category.
  • Think about taking things a step further by writing to some well known young entrepreneurs and asking them to share some of their ideas of how they got to be successful in their own field.

Help In The Launch - You might have to use some of your own personal money as an initial investment.

  • Think of having your own quotes professionally done by a printing company. Phrases like "Don't Ever Doubt Yourself," "You Make Your Own Successes," and "Be Your Own Inspiration" posted in your child's room will be a reminder that success is possible.
  • Whether it's a baby sitting service, landscaping services or the sale of personally designed jewelry, it would be very helpful for you to get professional business cards made for distribution to friends and family. 
  • If your teen is wanting to pass out flyers or brochures, the professionals who do printing services will be happy to help in the creation of an attractive and catchy design.
  • Consider ordering stationery and envelopes with your child's name and the name of the business as the letterhead. Think about including an address, phone number and an email address, too. A great addition would be to have a business statement or motto at the bottom of the page.
