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A Delicious Legacy Of Love: Tips For Designing A Cookbook Of Favorite Family Recipes

Do you arrive at holiday meals or family picnics in anticipation of partaking in your favorite family foods? If so, you're not alone. Food and family just seem to go together, and certain family members are often requested to bring their own specialty dish to every family function.

Your grandmother may be known for cooking the most delicious fried chicken around. Perhaps your aunt is known for her pumpkin pie, and your uncle can grill steaks better than anyone else. Designing a family cookbook is the perfect way to preserve treasured family recipes for future generations. A family cookbook will also make a wonderful gift for every member of your family.

Collecting the recipes

Several months before you plan to design the cookbook, ask each family member to gather their favorite recipes to submit for the cookbook. Pick a deadline date for turning in the recipes.

Don't forget to include family members who live out of town. Send them an email or text message if you're able. You can also use social media like Facebook. For family members who aren't into technology, simply mail a traditional letter asking them for their cooperation in the cookbook project.

Collect photographs of the recipes

Pictures make a cookbook come to life. Enlist the family photographer for capturing great photos. Nearly every family has one person who is the picture person.

Get pictures at family gatherings when family members arrive with their prepared dish. This is the easiest way to get great photos. An added bonus is that you can include photos of the cook with their recipe. Ask out-of-town family members to photograph their dish and send it to you.

Notes and quotes

Find out the history behind the recipes. For instance, ask if the recipe has been handed down through the generations or ask how long they have been making the dish.

Ask family members if they have a favorite cooking tip they could share on the page with their recipe and photo.

Organizing the information

Type all of the recipes and information. Proofread carefully. Get the help of someone who is good with grammar to edit the book before you head to the printer.

Get someone in the family who is artistic to design a nice book cover for the cookbook. Let family members submit a title for the book, and then let everyone vote for their favorite title.

Have the book professionally printed

Nothing can take the place of a cookbook that is printed professionally by a printing service. You've spent a lot of time gathering your information and assembling it. Excellent printing is the polish that will make your cookbook shine and standout from others.

Ask your printing service to use high gloss photo paper for the best results. Using high gloss photo paper can make the difference between a cookbook that is mediocre and one that is memorable. You can also ask a printer, such as Refill Ink, about other strategies to make the cookbook stand out.

Once your family cookbook is complete, plan a family gathering. Present each family member with their own copy of the cookbook. If desired, you can hold an autograph session where each contributor autographs the page that contains their recipe and picture.

Each family member will love owning their own copy of the family cookbook. It will truly be a delicious legacy of love that will endure for generations to come.
