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Why Printers Still Use Offset Printing

Commercial printing is an ever-changing field with the stunning advancements and higher quality of digital printing methods. However, there are still many great reasons to use lithography or offset printing methods. Offset lithography is still a common choice for commercial printing, especially for large print runs. It is still used for the printing of magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, signs, and books. Here are the most important things to know about lithography printing. This article should help you decide what method is best for your commercial printing project:

Offset Lithography Explained

Offset, or lithography printing (these terms are used interchangeably), this process uses water, ink, and metal plates to produce an image. To put it as simply as possible, photosensitive chemicals are applied to a plate create. The chemicals on this plate (usually a letter) attract ink and repel water. So, the letter will work like a stamp. The area of the plate that won't be printed (like the areas next to letters) is coated with a chemical that attracts waters and repels ink. The plate is rolled onto water, then on to the ink rollers. Now that the image area is coated with ink, to a rubber blanket. The rubber blanket is then transferred onto paper.

Best Use of Lithography

Most experts agree that lithography printing products the highest quality prints. The detail, color accuracy, and clarity are unmatched, even by modern digital techniques. Lithography can also be used on a wider variety of specialty papers and with unique inks that aren't available with digital printing. Lithography is still the most affordable choice when printing a high volume project because once the plates are set, printing in bulk is cheap and fast. 

Drawbacks of Lithography

Making changes to a project, once the plates have been set, is more difficult and expensive than digital printing. If you have limited time to complete a job, then offset lithography isn't the best method because of how long it can take to even get a sample print. The set up of the plates is time-consuming, and any changes will cost you. Making similar changes on a digital printer is instant and cheap.

In conclusion, offset lithography printing is great for high volume jobs that require the best quality or specialty papers and inks. So, if you have the time, offset lithography is a high quality and affordable commercial printing option that will give your unmatched results. Contact a local blueprint printing service for more information and assistance. 
