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Label Design Tips For Natural Products

These days, consumers are becoming more and more knowledgeable. Consumers want to know what they're buying, and they want to ensure the products aren't harmful to their family. If you are starting a natural product company, it's essential you keep these important factors in mind when you design your labels. Here are some of the elements you should keep in mind when creating your labels. 

Clean Design

One element that makes natural products so attractive to customers is the fact that they are simple. Many other products have more ingredients inside them than the average person can count, and often even pronounce. Natural products have fewer ingredients and are more straightforward when it comes to telling customers what is in their solutions. 

The labels you affix to your products should keep the same idea in mind. Make sure you keep your label clear and avoid including more information than is necessary. A label that lists your company name, helpful usage tips, and an ingredient list is a great starting point. It's also a good idea to use a printing service like Dixie Labels & Systems Inc. to make sure your labels are uniform and high quality.

Honest Information

People want honesty with every product they buy. However, when you offer natural products, it's essential that you be honest. Make sure your labeling represents your company honestly. For example, don't include statistics or claims about the product that have not been validated. 

For example, if a company were to claim that their products are 100% natural but include chemical ingredients on the back of the label, they would not be honest in their claim. The consumer looking for natural products will often scrutinize the ingredient list to ensure the representation is accurate. 


Sometimes a person may not know that they want or need your product right away. Your label is an excellent way to attract people to your products. While you don't want to add a lot of unnecessary information to the label, it is helpful to include at least one benefit the product can provide a customer. 

The benefit can serve as a selling point that gives a potential customer more information about what the product is and how it can help them. For example, for a skin care cream, facts about removing dark spots or increasing skin firmness would be a great place to begin. 

When you keep all of the above-mentioned factors in mind, you can design a product label that is on par with the quality of the products you offer your customers. A design label company can assist you with the process. 
