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5 Tips For Getting The Most From Custom-Size Booklet Printing

Custom booklets are great tools for the quick delivery of information. When you speak with a booklet printing company about a project, though, you'll want to get the most from your investment. The following five tips will help you make the most of a custom-size booklet printing project.

Minimize Waste

Folks making custom printed booklets always run the risk of producing a bit of waste during the process. A custom size naturally runs counter to maximum efficiency by avoiding standardization.

However, that doesn't mean you have to suffer a lot of waste. Printers often try to squeeze smaller custom booklets onto larger sheets of standardized paper. Suppose you want to make a booklet that's 8 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide. You usually can tilt the orientation 90 degrees so you can print on standard 8.5-inch wide paper. Even on a standard letter-size page, you can squeeze two pages from a single sheet.

Also, printing on the front and back will reduce waste. However, only do this with paper of a high enough quality to avoid any ink bleeding through.

Keep Your Ink Choices Simple

Not every project calls for photographic quality. If you can use a black-and-white color scheme to keep costs down, do so. Likewise, you can use spot colors to add visual interest without breaking the bank. Also, using a four-color process versus six colors can reduce costs for custom booklets that include photography or complex graphics.

Bear in mind there is a quality trade-off, though. If you need photographic quality, you may want to use a better process and absorb some extra costs to achieve the desired results.

Know the Paper

Thickness, gloss, and whiteness tend to be the factors that most affect the quality of a booklet. Get to know the types of paper a printer uses so you can quickly make cost-effective choices.

Print in Bulk

Larger print runs generally call for less configuration work. Once a printing team has dialed in the settings for a project and gotten approvals for proofs from the client, the job mostly involves maintaining quality standards. If you can afford to order custom booklets in larger numbers, you can usually negotiate a bulking discount.


Similarly, reusing previous projects and settings also tends to save some time and money. If you just need to change the dates and a few names in a booklet, for example, you can use a previous version as a template. This entails less messing around for the printing company because they don't have to reconfigure the project and send you lots of proofs.

For more information on custom-size booklet printing, contact a company near you.
